Auckland Long Term Plan – Watercare response on Western Isthmus Program
Liz March 19th, 2021
Kia ora koutou,
A reminder that Auckland Council is consulting on its Long Term Plan 2021-2031 Use the link to give your support to the extension of the Water Quality Targeted Rate and sustain improvements to stormwater infrastructure on the Auckland Isthmus. Closing time: 12 noon Monday 22 March.
With reference to our prior post below, Anin Nama from Watercare has provided responses below, and indicated willingness to discuss.
Q Which Western Isthmus projects are stopped? Or will not start? As a result of Watercare Board decision of 23 December 2020? A: The Western Isthmus progarmme has not stopped and is funded to be completed by 2029. Committed project will continue, including works that integrate with CI. However, while funding has been reduced in the first 4 years, we will still continue with the design of the works.
Q: Which overflows, creeks or catchments are affected?. A: None, as the overall programme is still scheduled for completion by 2029.
Q: What benefits or usage of the Central Interceptor is delayed for 3 years? A: CI is still scheduled for completion by 2026 and will collect the large overflows in Meola and other overflows along its route.
Q: When will Eastern Isthmus project start ? Will it now proceed regardless of delays in the West?. A: The Watercare portion of the Eastern Isthmus is scheduled to start in 2025, subject to Healthy Water’s proposed targeted rate being approved in the current LTP process.
Q: What impact does this Watercare work have on the benefits of spending by Auckland Council Healthy Waters of the WQTR raised for water quality? A: The benefit of the WQTR allows separation to commence early and reduce the volume of stormwater entering the wastewater network. This allows Watercare to commence the necessary wastewater upgrades in the Eastern Isthmus.
STEPS looks forward to ongoing progress on water in the Auckland isthmus generally, particularly in the Western isthmus for the rest of this decade.
Ngā mihi nui, Elizabeth Walker
STEPS thanks Councillor Fletcher and Margi Watson Chair of Albert Eden Local Board who acknowledged our letter and the questions raised, as did member Jon Turner Member of Puketapapa Local Board.

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