Archive for May, 2021

Progress on restoring Lava forest along Waitītiko Meola Creek

May 19th, 2021

A sign has been put in the park at the end of Norgrove Avenue, Mt Albert describing the work that Watercare, Te Ngahere and STEPS are undertaking to control the pest plants and exotic weeds that are choking new growth of the lava rock forest there. Work is underway to capture animal pests (many opossums) and to remove the ivy as shown below.

Ivy removal under way 2021

STEPS is delighted with the early success in controlling rampant asparagus weed. Thanks Te Ngahere and Watercare project team.

Watch this space or STEPS’ facebook page for more updates.

See our earlier blog describing rock forest here

May 2021 STEPS Wetland Planting – postponed to Sunday 30th 10.30am

May 16th, 2021

Join STEPS in improving part of the Roy Clements Treeway!

This year we will plant the remaining area of ephemeral wetland at the Treeway’s southern end.

  • Sunday 30th May 2021 at 10.30am
  • Meet @ Fergusson Ave end of Roy Clements Treeway in Kerr Taylor Park.  

Please bring a sunhat and sunblock, a raincoat, water bottle and gardening gloves.  Bring a spade if you have one – we have some spares.

The planting site is about 20 meters along the boardwalk – you will see us in front of the red brick apartments.

If the weather looks poor, check after 8am. 

Any questions, email: 

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